Maldar Company

General Contracts & Trading


Maldar Company was founded in 2009 in the registration of companies in Erbil - KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government).

Maldar Company guided by it is experinced managment and proffesional teams has worked in field of construction, water sewags, opening roads, process of construction materials, process of food stuffs, cabins, electric works and digging wells.

Maldar Company is one of the most experienced and respected construction and trading companies in the KRG.

We have been transforming the ideas and visions of our clients into reality projects.


The Company aims to build a strong economy by developing and progressing constructive movement to recover economy and work to achieve goals of the development.

Engage in all government and private tenders and auction related to the works and activities of the company.

Accept all pledges and contracts of import from the formal and informal places.


  • Execute construction works related to the compay activies
  • Design modern solutions
  • Build and deliver high quality projects
  • Deliver low-cost solutions with high quality


Maldar company is a general contractor company that provides unlimited solutions



Electric Work

Water Sewage


Construction Materials

Processing Food Stuff

Digging Wells

Customs Clearance


Zakho Institute Building

Kurdes Organization

The customs building - Zakho

German GIZ Organization

Zakho Institute

Cordes Organization

The customs building - Zakho

German GIZ Organization

Contact us Feel free to contact us

Our office
Maldar Company
Saleh Yousif Str.
Zakho - Kurdistan
Phone: +964 (0)750 450 9473
Customs clearance: +964 (0)750 744 0462
E-mail address